Oddlittleboy goes looking for Oddlittlegeek, and has braved the Tower Of Darkness2, finally reaching the Cube Of Solitude, where he was last spotted. Where could he be at this moment? Study the Cube scene and leave some comments if you think you know where Oddlittlegeek has gone! To Be Continued...
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Meanwhile...Oddlittlegeek Is Missing !!!
Oddlittleboy goes looking for Oddlittlegeek, and has braved the Tower Of Darkness2, finally reaching the Cube Of Solitude, where he was last spotted. Where could he be at this moment? Study the Cube scene and leave some comments if you think you know where Oddlittlegeek has gone! To Be Continued...
Posted by
4/22/2007 06:30:00 pm
Friday, 20 April 2007
Oddlittle Goes Worldwide
From our humble beginnings of just two members, we have now grown tremendously. We now have errr... ummm... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 members! The latest addition is dragonfly! Everyone say hi!
By the way, we bring good news. We are now viewed worldwide and we don't lie. We have statistics to show right below:We are humble and we do not ask for much. We are moderately ambitious and our target is as below (larger circle sizes indicate larger viewership):
Posted by
Adrian Tan
4/20/2007 05:25:00 pm
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
The OddLittle Begins
With the introduction of OddLittleGoldfish, we end the introduction session. The OddLittleStory will begin next. With it, we will share with our global audience some of our Malaysian (Malaysian Chinese to be precise) culture in a comical way.
Posted by
4/18/2007 10:33:00 pm
Oddlittle Digged
PEOPLE! A cause for celebration! We are now Dugg! 6 Diggs and counting! Thank you very much to all who have Dugg and an advance thank you to you future Diggers!
Posted by
Adrian Tan
4/18/2007 12:50:00 pm
$^*#$%@#%^$#!^&#@%$$%^&*!!!!!!!!!!!! This wooncc is teasing us! He just posted such a beautiful hot chick that you can fall in love with even though she is just a drawing of the girl of his dreams... and the drawing is so... so... so... small... and he said it is lousy! Besides being good with comics, this wooncc67 is also a big tease! Teasing again with the announcement of another character introduction!
%^@##@!@$#$%$^#$*)@!!!!!!!!!! Curses!
Posted by
Adrian Tan
4/18/2007 09:42:00 am
Red Alert!! Red Alert!! Manga OddLittleGirl!!
Showing off my manga drawing skill ?? Wanted to but doesn't look good so will just share a small thumbnail (to cover up the defects)....
Anyway, 'stay tuned', for the last character's introduction will be out very soon....
Posted by
4/18/2007 09:24:00 am
Insider News: Something is Brewing...
Specially for all the Oddlittlefans out there: After a very productive yumcha session with wooncc, expect something to come out really soon from the master of comic illustrations... What is it? You may ask... of course we will not reveal anything until it happens. So we leave you here now with a very cool, often used, but never boring phrase:
Posted by
Adrian Tan
4/18/2007 12:18:00 am
Saturday, 14 April 2007
It was Friday the 13th...
... and the amazingly creative wooncc purposely waited all these weeks for this day to post his next new character, his next new super innovation... the Oddlittleghost. It is time to be afraid, everyone. Let the Oddlittle ones handle this...
Posted by
Adrian Tan
4/14/2007 10:08:00 am