Thursday 11 December 2008

Saturday 15 November 2008

67 Bonding Session Part II

Last night, just before seeking ketenangan di dalam dunia penuh kesengsaraan, we 67s had BK:
One 67 commented that the french fries tasted very good. Do you notice any anomaly in the photo above?
One who is not a 67 yet but has great potential was enjoying the food.
And the bro was asking me when he could eat his burger while I took my time taking this photo of it. :P

Friday 14 November 2008

November 67 Bonding Session

We 67s are going for a Bonding session in a short while. ;)

Tuesday 21 October 2008

67's yum-cha

It's been a while.....

hmmm... come to think of it, i've only ever made it for the Friday's sessions.... never the yum cha....

So before OT's spearmint mentos (imported from Singapore) not only expires but literally disintergrates, how about meeting up for yum-cha?

This Saturday afternoon, after 1pm? (Sad cases like me gotta work this Sat!)

Keep me posted!

Thursday 4 September 2008



Wednesday 27 August 2008

Rainy afternoons....

Just a random entry today.

It's been raining, almost everyday for the past week now, typically in the late morning or in the afternoon..... and no amount of coffee helps.... all i want to do it curl up in bed and SLEEP.....

Productivity MUST be low around the region....
Coffee sale MUST be up....

sigh..... I wanna go home.

Monday 21 July 2008

The Complete "A Different World" #8

Combining parts 1, 2 and the final frame, here is the complete part 8:

Saturday 5 July 2008

Friday 4 July 2008


For those non-believer, here's the photo proof of the grape tree planted in my garden in front of my house in SS2.

Saturday 28 June 2008

A 67 Dim Sum Lunch @ Hong Kee Section 19

Just had dim sum some 2 hours or so ago. There were 3 of us: Vulgar_Boy, Andrewk (andrewk just posted a photo in Flickr) and myself. Initially, Booker and WoonCC were supposed to join us but they couldn't make it due to some other commitments. Therefore, I am posting these in the order as they happened for their reference:

First we ordered some while waiting for Andrewk (first photo, fyi the arrow pointing at the sesame seed balls are something that Booker mentioned and we assume something she likes) but we got kinda hungry (second photo). Vulgar_Boy and I got even hungrier still so we ended up with the third photo where we ordered brinjal. Then, Andrewk arrived and we ordered some more (fourth photo) and the fifth photo was the remains of our lunch.

Wednesday 25 June 2008

A Different World #8 - Part I

Here is something that I have started in May but became lazy. Was trying to get this out before a movie of a green superhero was released but laziness and procrastination got the better of me. Enjoy the first part:

Tuesday 27 May 2008

Ultraman Befriends Monster

There will be no fighting monsters in A Different World. Only peace. Ultraman and his buddy monsters are all peaceful giants. :)

Thursday 22 May 2008

A Horses' World?

Time for horses to work like us humans!

Monday 19 May 2008

China earthquake victims - Have you done anything to help ?

I have done nothing to help... sad isn't it

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Oily oily oily

Still experimenting with oil... maybe I should take some lesson. In the meantime, here's our all new favourite superhero AK-MAN in oil!!!!!! and yes he is pinke... pinke, pinke, pinke

A test of oil

Oil painting is super difficult!!!!!! (digital oil painting that is) ..... or maybe it's just me.... my painting above is suppose to be one of the hottest babe you can find on this planet but.. but.. but... *sigh*.... no, i am not telling who she is.... someone will be disappointed.

Monday 12 May 2008


Who is Landy ? Beats me.... someone added her into our MSN conference one day and so here she is... keep insisting that she get a picture of her drawn.

Sunday 11 May 2008

A Mother's Day Edition

Time for moms to take a break! Let the dads give birth. :P

Blardy Buck

Blardy Buck, showed me something which made me couldn't sleep until I draw something!! So something I have to draw..... don't ever tempt me again BUCK!

Friday 9 May 2008

A Different World #4 - Mature Edition

Here is a slightly more matured edition of the original that was posted here:

Thursday 8 May 2008

Andrewk vs Japanese Potato

Andrewk, this one's for you!!!


Dedicated to our dear 67 currently fighting japanese potato in Japan....ganbatte!!!!

Monday 5 May 2008

Showing off at Ipoh Kopitiam

The 67s were showing their stuff earlier today at Ipoh Kopitiam... IonBuck with his new white Dell laptop, Andrewk with his tiny canon and me... me... with my blardy forgetful memory.. I FORGOT TO BRING ALONG MY GOD DAMN WALLET!!!!!!!

Sunday 4 May 2008

A Hot Sunday 67 Session

This was where three of us 67s met up just now:

Monday 21 April 2008

A Different World #3

Something we all hope to be a reality. :P

Wednesday 16 April 2008

A Different World #2

A second attempt:

Monday 7 April 2008

IonBuck's First Attempt

My first attempt at comics. :P

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Blue Keyboard

Blue Keyboard
Originally uploaded by andrewkok
March News! Andrew's got a new cool blue keyboard!

Friday 8 February 2008

Massive 67 Chinese New Year Lunch

AndrewK, WoonCC and myself had an extremely full to the neck (is this how you call it?) lunch at Carl's Jr. at 1 Utama earlier today. AndrewK and I had Portobello Mushroom burgers and WoonCC had this Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger. We also had lots and lots of fries + two servings of Chilli Beef Fries. Luckily andrewk is around, else I wouldn't remember a single name of these complicated foodstuff...


Beef Chilli Fries and Portobello Mushroom burger

Double Western Bacon Cheeseburger

We couldn't finish the fries... lots of potatoes left... :(

Friday 1 February 2008

The 67 Oldest Handphone Challenge - UPDATE #1

Just updated all the models of the handphones. :D

Thursday 31 January 2008

The 67 Oldest Handphone Challenge

We have just started a challenge between the four 67s, namely WoonCC, Andrewk, Vulgar Boy and me. Who will be using the oldest handphone for the longest time? There is a list on the left column for this purpose. At the moment, yours truly is leading. Do come by for updates, but don't come too often to check on the list because our phones are here to stay... :P

Wednesday 23 January 2008

Cloverfield Is A DISASTER Movie!

LITERALLY! Sick and dizzy! WoonCC and I could not stand even the first 20 minutes! We left the cinema and got sick. Crazy camera used to film the movie does not even have image stabilisation! And the cameraman would just like to shake and pan and move the camera unnecessarily so that we get really sick! andrewk and bro and the rest of the people in the cinema were exceptional! They all must have had FPS training!

WoonCC, you got anything to add?

Tuesday 1 January 2008

How The Three 67s Countdown to 2008

This is how WoonCC, AndrewK and IonBuck spent New Year's Eve right up to New Year's Day. :D

WoonCC's sundae with extra chocolate fudge and IonBuck's McFlurry

AndrewK's iced Milo