Sunday, 28 March 2010

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Breaking News!

We interrupt our regular programming to bring you the latest challenge that the 67 group is facing... one of our founding father, the legendary Assman is contemplating to leave us!

Saturday, 13 March 2010

67 Session @ Ikea - A Turn, A Twist and A Surprise

After a failed 67 session during Chinese New Year last month, today proved to be a rather successful one... although almost everyone turned up late but thankfully, Judd and family were patient enough to wait for the rest of us! The first twist was that WoonCC, who actually suggested the date was unreachable - "nombor yang anda dail tidak dapat dihubungi"!

Next up, the mysterious Andrewk showed up with an equally mysterious friend. Am not sure which is a bigger surprise today... WoonCC's weird no-show, Andrewk's showing up or that Booker baked for us!
Photos taken with Andrewk's iPhone.